In each iteration, you can get the object key and by using that you … Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn various ways to iterate an object in JavaScript. Dealing with arrays is everyday work for every developer. Related Tutorials. It depends on your need to use the one that suits you most. Typically, this is when you have a JSON object containing various information from an endpoint. The for loop statement has three expressions: Initialization - initialize the loop variable with a value and it is executed once; Condition - defines the loop stop condition Let’s say you have an object like so: const json = '{"name": "Tommy", "secondNam This approach of looping through keys and values in an object can be used to perform more useful operations on the object, for instance the method could call a function passed in on each of the values. Iterate Object in JavaScript. Here's a very common task: iterating over an object properties, in JavaScript Published Nov 02, 2019 , Last Updated Apr 05, 2020 If you have an object, you can’t just iterate it using map() , forEach() or a for..of loop. So far we have various ways to loop through an object in JavaScript. 959. An example of this is in the foIn method in mout.js which iterates through the object keys and values calling the function passed in. The loop allows you to iterate the enumerable properties of an object. – shmuels Apr 29 '20 at 16:01. add a comment | 18 Answers Active Oldest Votes. Object.values(obj).forEach(value => { console.log(value); }); Know how to iterate through all options of a