Thänert, Oliver (2020), 'The Virus Causes these Ruptures in the International System', Swissinfo. JavaScript has been disabled in your browser, Special Theme: The Security Policy Implications of the Coronavirus Crisis, Our CSS Newsletter provides you with a monthly overview of recent publications, events and media contributions. #ResilienceCSS Swiss Crisis Management: The Coronavirus Pandemic as a Professional and Political Learning Opportunity (in German). At that time, according to the authors, there were still many gaps and interdependencies. Switzerland may have the oldest policy of military neutrality on … This essence of the findings refers in each case to the specific passages of the following chapters with the corresponding page numbers. Wegen Corona darf ein Teil die Rekrutenschule zu Hause starten. Dossi, Amos (2020), 'Learning from Corona: How Strategic Can We Be? Oliver Thränert reports that in the coming years, the CSS will be thinking about how arms control could be redesigned and adapted in the course of the project "Redesigning Arms Control for New Realities" so that it can contribute to preventing nuclear wars in the 21st century. Army chief Thomas Süssli announced on Saturday night on Twitter. Fischer, Sophie-Charlotte (2020), 'EU Foreign Direct Investment Screening: Protecting Strategic Assets and Technology During the Corona Crisis', CSS Corona Blog, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. This year the focus is on national and international crisis management during the first wave of the corona crisis. In particular, The authors examine the Schengen association and the resulting border management as well as Switzerland's cooperation with EU institutions for disease and civil protection. The authors conclude that Switzerland must overcome fundamental challenges and retain key lessons learned in order to have differentiated coping options in the future. The 2020 is­sue of the Bul­letin is de­voted al­most ex­clus­ively to Switzer­land's corona crisis man­age­ment dur­ing the first wave in the first half of 2020. Armeechef Thomas Süssli erwartet für das nächste Jahr wegen der Corona-Pandemie rund 1000 Rekruten mehr. Er leitet den Departementsbereich Verteidigung und untersteht damit direkt der Chefin des Eidgenössischen Departementes für Verteidigung, Bevölkerungsschutz und Sport (VBS), Bundesrätin Viola Amherd. This requires an intensive examination of the Swiss crisis management in the first phase of the pandemic. Accordingly, Süssli discusses the challenges in cyberspace, the cooperation of the Swiss Armed Forces with partners abroad and, to this end, the role of military peacebuilding. Schepers, Névine (2020), 'The US-China Clash over Corona Has Implications for Nuclear Arms Control', CSS Corona Blog, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. March 14, 2020: From Monday, the army in Ticino will help fight the corona virus. Michael Haas and Annabelle Vuille examine the contribution of the armed forces in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity in crisis management. These are formulated as recommendations covering all chapters in the form of guiding questions that the authors consider important for the development of the legal and planning framework for coping with pandemics. For this reason, the Bulletin 2020 on Swiss Security Policy is devoted almost exclusively to Switzerland's corona crisis management during the first wave. In addition to an interview with the Chief of the Swiss Armed Forces Thomas Süssli, Bulletin 2020 contains a total of six articles on Switzerland's crisis management during the first wave of the pandemic. Thomas Süssli has been chief of the army since January 1, 2020. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federal website. Sign up here. Maschmeyer, Lennart (2020), 'Why the Covid-19 Crisis Offers an Opportunity for Lasting Change in Cybersecurity', CSS Corona Blog, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. Center for Security Studies Andrin Hauri, Kevin Kohler, Benjamin Scharte and Andreas Wenger focus on pandemic preparedness in Switzerland. Press Enter to activate screen reader mode. They describe Switzerland's pandemic preparedness planning as a step-by-step learning process alongside international coordination efforts. 26.06.2020 Aktualisiert 26.06.2020 Press Enter to activate screen reader mode. The chapter focuses on the content dimension – early detection, risk assessment and strategy adaptation as well as crisis communication and digitalization – and on the practical dimension – the crisis organizations of the Confederation and the cantons, the involvement of the scientific community and resource management – of efforts to cope with the first phase of the coronavirus pandemic. The Swiss Army is deployed on Monday for the first time in connection with the coronavirus pandemic. Im Interview spricht der neue Armeechef über Corona, flache Hierarchien und … The main tasks of … Technische Hochschule Zürich. This edition of the Bulletin is special, not only due to its structure. Der neue Armeechef Thomas Süssli hat noch während der Corona-Pandemie den Leiter der Armeeapotheke von seiner Funktion entbunden. Und er äussert sich auch zu Ausländern im Heer. A snapshot describes the status of preparations before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. KEYSTONE “I want to create a modern army, especially with regard to culture and digitalization,” announced the 53-year-old. Links with this icon indicate that you are leaving the CDC website.. The Swiss Armed Forces on Corona Deployment: A Relevant Scenario for Armed Forces Development? Am Montag hat für 15'000 Rekruten die Winter-RS begonnen. Scharte, Benjamin (2020), 'Knowing Better - Lessons from the Corona Crisis', CSS Corona Blog, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. This overview serves as a guide across all chapters to better locate all the parallel events and processes. Armeechef Thomas Süssli: '2021 wird der grösste RS-Start der neueren Geschichte' Armeechef Thomas Süssli erwartet für das nächste Jahr wegen der Corona-Pandemie rund 1000 Rekruten mehr. Samstag 28.11.2020 3:26 - Basler Zeitung Thomas Süssli (53) ist seit Anfang Jahr Chef der Armee. The first con­tri­bu­tion is an in­ter­view with the Chief of the Swiss Armed Forces Thomas Süssli. Armeechef Thomas Süssli erwartet für das nächste Jahr wegen der Corona-Pandemie rund 1000 Rekruten mehr. The emphasis will be on national and international crisis management as well as the implications of the crisis for international relations and for national and international security policy. 268: The WHO’s Dilemma in Global Outbreak Response', CSS Analyses in Security Policy, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. Er will die Armee als … Zogg, Benno (2020), 'Europe’s Outlier: Belarus and Covid-19', CSS Corona Blog, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. Dossi, Amos (2020), 'The Armed Forces as a Strategic Crisis Insurance? Watanabe, Lisa (2020), 'The Coronavirus and Regime-Protestor Dynamics in Algeria', CSS Corona Blog, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. Korpskommandant Thomas Süssli will den Frauenanteil in der Schweizer Armee verzehnfachen. The newsletter is avaliable in German and English. #EuroAtlanticCSS guiding questions and first recommendations, Recommendations in the Form of Guiding Questions for the Development of the Legal and Planning Framework for Coping with Pandemics, Pandemic Preparedness in Switzerland: Crisis Preparedness as an Ongoing Learning Process, Chronology of the National and International Crisis Management in the First Phase of the Coronavirus Pandemic, Swiss Crisis Management: The Coronavirus Pandemic as a Professional and Political Learning Opportunity, Switzerland in the European Crisis Management, International Project on the Future of (Nuclear) Arms Control, Eidgenössische A chronology of the national and international crisis management in the first phase of the coronavirus pandemic by Kevin Kohler, Andrin Hauri, Benjamin Scharte, Jan Thiel and Andreas Wenger describes the chain of events and measures taken from the outbreak of Covid-19 in China to the return to the "special situation" (besondere Lage) in Switzerland on 19 June. The 2020 issue of the Bulletin is devoted almost exclusively to Switzerland's corona crisis management during the first wave in the first half of 2020. Publiziert: 28.11.2020, 03:26 Rechnet … 28.11.2020 Roth, Florian; Käser, Marco (2020), 'Using the Potential of Volunteers Efficiently', Tages-Anzeiger. Kamasa, Julian (2020), 'Lifting Border-​closures in Europe: More Coordination, Less National Go-​it-Alones', CSS Corona Blog, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. #BeltandRoadCSS Given the complexity of this endeavor, the CSS has assembled a core group of scientists from the US, France, Great Britain and Germany to support the project. Scharte, Benjamin (2020), 'Switzerland Anticipated a Different Pandemic', CSS Corona Blog, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. Kamasa and Thiel note that for a country like Switzerland, access to regional crisis management is essential – and could not be granted in a next crisis without association. Wiehler, Claudia (2020), 'Unusual Ceasefires in Unusual Times: Why COVID-​​19 Ceasefires Remain an Exception', CSS Corona Blog, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. Wegen Corona-Krise: Schiesspflicht 2020 wird sistiert | Aufgrund der aktuell nicht vorhersehbaren Entwicklung und möglichen Durchführungsproblemen hat der Chef der Armee, KKdt Thomas Süssli, in Absprache mit The Swiss army is using old-school models to plan their war on COVID-19. International Project on the Future of (Nuclear) Arms Control (in German). Roth, Florian (2020), 'Bouncing forward – How Findings from Resilience Research Can Help in the Corona Crisis', Fraunhofer ISI. Rapid development of a vaccine has become a new measure of success in fighting coronavirus, argue Jakob Bund and Ann-​Sophie Leonard in this CSS Analysis. 269: Information Battleground: Vaccines, Eidgenössische In the interview (in German) with Bulletin 2020, the Chief of the Armed Forces Thomas Süssli comments on the role of the Swiss Army in this crisis. Thus, the publication is much more extensive than past Bulletin issues. They put this deployment into context of the current state of Switzerland's armed forces development. Friedli, Marc (2020), 'The New EU Budget and Defense: Narrowing the Capabilities-Expectations Gap', CSS Corona Blog, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. Military Policy Implications of the Corona Crisis in Europe', CSS Corona Blog, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. Finally, Haas and Vuille assess what effects the corona crisis could have on the further development, planning and role of the Swiss Armed Forces. Technische Hochschule Zürich. St. Thomas Office (340) 774-9000. He assesses its … This page brings together all publications, events, consultancy services, education and training formats, and media contributions created in connection with and relevant to the Covid-19 crisis. #MilitaryCSS a pandemic however is only one of the scenarios in which the army has a role to play. In the most comprehensive article of this issue, Andreas Wenger, Andrin Hauri, Kevin Kohler, Benjamin Scharte and Jan Thiel discuss the Swiss crisis management. Die Begründung erscheint … You can find the French version of the recommendations here. Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, Humanities, Social and Political Sciences, Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. On November 14, 2020, Austria announced a second lockdown. Sign up, Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, Humanities, Social and Political Sciences, Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. Die Botschaft dürfte sich für Moll wie ein Schlag ins Gesicht angefühlt haben – mitten in der Corona-Krise und notabene nach über 20 Jahren an der Spitze der Armeeapotheke. Korpskommandant Süssli ist verantwortlich für die Führung der Armee. Hospital Battalion 5 will be deployed on Monday for a special coronavirus service, Süssli wrote. At the end of the decade, around a quarter of the stocks would be missing. The contributions of the researchers of the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zürich are prefaced by a summary of the various teachings and results of the analysis throughout the entire Bulletin issue. — Thomas Suessli (@ThomasSuessli) March 28, 2020 “The national map is intentionally redundant to the electronic situation picture,” Sussli wrote on Twitter, noting that the model was designed “to be ready even in the event of a power or system failure.” Switzerland in the European Crisis Management (in German). In seinem ersten Interview danach erzählt er, was er mit der Armee im Sinn hat – und warnt: Bald fehlt jeder vierte Soldat! #CoronaCSS. They see the coronavirus pandemic as a professional and political learning opportunity. Er ist erst seit drei Monaten im Amt – und schon steht er vor einer grossen Bewährungsprobe: Armeechef Thomas Süssli: «2021 wird der grösste RS-Start der neueren Geschichte» — Die Corona-Pandemie wird die Schweizer Armee auch im nächsten Jahr noch intensiv beschäftigen: Armeechef Thomas Süssli erwartet rund 1000 Rekruten mehr. 1 / 3rd. eval(unescape('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%5c%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%73%61%72%61%68%2e%6b%72%65%6e%7a%40%73%69%70%6f%2e%67%65%73%73%2e%65%74%68%7a%2e%63%68%5c%22%20%63%6c%61%73%73%3d%5c%22%64%65%66%61%75%6c%74%2d%6c%69%6e%6b%5c%22%3e%45%2d%4d%61%69%6c%3c%73%70%61%6e%20%63%6c%61%73%73%3d%5c%22%69%63%6f%6e%5c%22%20%72%6f%6c%65%3d%5c%22%69%6d%67%5c%22%20%61%72%69%61%2d%6c%61%62%65%6c%3d%5c%22%69%6e%74%65%72%6e%61%6c%20%70%61%67%65%5c%22%3e%3c%5c%2f%73%70%61%6e%3e%3c%5c%2f%61%3e%27%29')), JavaScript has been disabled in your browser. #CyberCSS Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website. Armeechef Thomas Süssli im ersten grossen Interview. Der Chef der Armee, Korpskommandant Thomas Süssli, ist positiv auf das Coronavirus getestet worden. As an economically and socially strongly interconnected state, Switzerland cannot be isolated, but can only be placed in a European context. Armeechef Thomas Süssli erwartet für das nächste Jahr wegen der Corona-Pandemie rund 1000 Rekruten mehr.Rechnet für 2021 mit rund 12’000 Rekruten: Armeechef Tho In addition to an interview with the Chief of the Swiss Armed Forces Thomas Süssli, Bulletin 2020 contains a total of six articles on Switzerland's crisis management during the first wave of the pandemic. The chapter by Julian Kamasa and Jan Thiel deals with Switzerland in the European crisis management. Thiel, Jan (2020), 'No. Absender war Thomas Süssli, der neue Chef der Schweizer Armee. Der Andrang sei deshalb so gross, weil 2021 viele Personen kämen, die jetzt wegen der Corona-Pandemie Zeit hätten, erklärt Thomas Süssli. St. John Office (340) 776-6400 Dem Chef der Armee unterstehen der Armeestab, das Kommando Operationen, die … Army chief Thomas Süssli warns of a shortage of personnel. The newsletter is avaliable in German and English. This blog series features articles by CSS authors on the security policy implications of the coronavirus crisis and collects together relevant analyses produced by research insitutions and think tanks around the globe. Samstag 28.11.2020 3:26 - Basler Zeitung Armeechef Thomas Süssli: '2021 wird der grösste RS-Start der neueren Geschichte!' Armeechef Thomas Süssli positiv auf das Coronavirus getestet — Der Chef der Schweizer Armee, Korpskommandant Thomas Süssli, wurde positiv auf das Coronavirus getestet und befindet sich seit Montag in Isolation. #MediationCSS The 2020 issue of the Bulletin is devoted almost exclusively to Switzerland's corona crisis management during the first wave in the first half of 2020. Chronology of the National and International Crisis Management in the First Phase of the Coronavirus Pandemic (in German). On November 15, 2020, Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz surprised the public with a new Corona plan: Austria will conduct a large scale Covid-19 test campaign using a combination of unreliable PCR tests and even less reliable rapid tests. See CSS Graphics on the Security Policy Implications of the Coronavirus Crisis. Pandemic Preparedness in Switzerland: Crisis Preparedness as an Ongoing Learning Process (in German). The first contribution is an interview with the Chief of the Swiss Armed Forces Thomas Süssli. Over the next two years, the CSS will study the medium- and long-term consequences of the coronavirus pandemic in the framework of two research projects. More than any previously, this phase of the pandemic will be shaped by information, both positively through new knowledge on vaccines and negatively through influence attempts around their effectiveness and safety. Bald schickt Thomas Süssli aber bereits wieder erste Soldaten nach Hause. ', CSS Policy Perspectives, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. Er befindet sich seit Montag in Isolation , wie … Recommendations in the Form of Guiding Questions for the Development of the Legal and Planning Framework for Coping with Pandemics (in German). Abatis, Katrina; Schäublin, Emanuel (2020), 'Infectious Narratives: US, China, and COVID-19', CSS Corona Blog, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. Clayton, Govinda (2020), 'Let There Be a Global Coronavirus Ceasefire', Gulf News. It is opened by an interview with Chief of the army Thomas Süssli. He assesses its mobilization and cooperation with various partners and elaborates on how the cooperation and preparation for the next crisis can be improved. BLICK: Herr Süssli, wie stark hat Corona Sie erwischt? #AI_CSS Lob für Thomas Süssli von russischer Seite (vbs). Zogg, Benno (2020), 'States of Denial: Strongmen and Covid-19', International Policy Digest. More recent publications on The Security Policy Implications of the Coronavirus Crisis. Leese, Matthias (2020), 'Crisis Management Can Learn from the Crisis', CSS Policy Perspectives, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. Thomas Süssli: Ich bin etwas erschrocken, als ich vom Testergebnis erfahren habe. Our infomails inform you about new CSS publications and events in the thematic area or areas of your choice. The first contribution is an interview with the Chief of the Swiss Armed Forces Thomas Süssli. In this interview for the Bulletin 2020 (in German), Chief of the Armed Forces Thomas Süssli comments on the role of the armed forces in Switzerland's coronavirus crisis management during the first wave in the first half of 2020. Bringas, Alejandra; Kohler, Kevin (2020), 'Facial Recognition will Outlast COVID-19', CSS Corona Blog, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. Our CSS Newsletter provides you with a monthly overview of recent publications, events and media contributions. Unlike in past years' editions, this year's authors formulate guiding questions and first recommendations (in German) for the further handling of the Covid-19 challenge. Artificial Intelligence and Security Politics, “Belt and Road Initiative”: Trade and Security in Eurasia, Socio-technical Resilience and Disaster Preparedness, Switzerland's Coronavirus Crisis Management during the First Wave of the Pandemic, No. Zum Treffen der beiden Generalstabschefs Milley (USA) und Gerasimov (Russland) berichtet die russische Agentur Tass in englischer Sprache: Russian, US top brass discuss measures to avoid mid-air incidents #CSSthemes Zogg, Benno (2020), 'Corona Exposes the Weaknesses of Autocrats', Tages-Anzeiger. St. Croix Office (340) 718-1311. The corona pandemic is undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges that Switzerland has been facing since the Second World War. In the subsequent six articles, our authors deal with recommendations for the development of the legal and planning framework for coping with pandemics, pandemic preparedness in Switzerland, a chronology of crisis management in the corona pandemic’s first phase, the pandemic as a learning opportunity, Switzerland in the European crisis management, the Swiss Armed Forces on corona deployment and the new CSS project on the future of nuclear arms control. Er wird vom Bundesrat gewählt. Haldeneggsteig 4, IFW Many weaknesses were known to the experts but had been pursued only hesitantly due to a lack of pressure to act and an absence of political attention. Watanabe, Lisa (2020), 'The Coronavirus in Libya: Halting the Violence to Enable the Fight', CSS Corona Blog, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich. Its articles take stock, raise important questions and give recommendations on how to improve crisis prevention and management in the future. The corona pandemic is undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges that Switzerland has been facing since the Second World War. Armeechef Thomas Süssli «2021 wird der grösste RS-Start der neueren Geschichte» Armeechef Thomas Süssli erwartet für das nächste Jahr wegen der Corona-Pandemie rund 1000 Rekruten mehr. CH - 8092 Zurich, Phone: +41 44 632 40 25 Der Chef der Armee (CdA; französisch chef de larmée, italienisch Capo dellesercito) ist der Kommandant der Schweizer Armee in Friedenszeiten im Rang eines Korpskommandanten. This edition of the Bulletin is special, not only due to its structure.

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