Annette Nachsel. Due to supply shortages, protective measures and the necessary reorganisation can often only be implemented with a delay, making it hard to specify dates. Es werden keine Datenträger mehr angenommen. Dear Staff and members of the University, Dear teachers and students (English translation has been provided for informational purposes. Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung The Göttingen location has come to be synonymous with high-quality international research. Since the transport service between the individual locations is currently limited, items cannot be ordered to other library locations. Despite the great challenges posed by the Corona Pandemic, we will try to make the semester as smooth as possible. Dear Staff and members of the University, In cooperation with the University Medicine and other Göttingen research institutes, we want to offer university-wide voluntary #corona #tests to enable students and researchers to work increasingly and safely in presence. Formally, the use of web conference systems is subject to Art. Please note the following information: Gesundheitsamt Göttingen. Sprechzeiten, Merkblatt zur Anfertigung der Abschlussarbeit. eine Vergütung oder Aufwandsentschädigung! (Expected introduction 4 May 2020). Over the past few weeks, they have worked with impressive commitment and enormous energy on solutions that can be implemented at short notice. At the same time, we are working continuously on the implementation of a gradual opening, for example for our divisional libraries, for which access can be better organised in accordance with requirements for hygiene and social distancing. Jede Person, die sich innerhalb von zehn Tagen vor ihrer Einreise nach Göttingen (Stadt oder Landkreis) in einem Risikogebiet aufgehalten hat, ist verpflichtet, sich unverzüglich zehn Tage in häusliche Quarantäne zu begeben. The first week of the semester was marked by all involved gaining new experiences in teaching and learning remotely. E-Mail: Sekretariat Prüfungsamt Diese Informationen erhalten Sie nicht im Prüfungsamt. Scan-and-Deliver: From 20 April, students, teachers and staff can order the scanning of articles and book sections. Studentenverbindungen. Direktor: Prof. Dr. U. Groß. The best way to prevent this is to safeguard the access information to these lectures. The ban of public access to libraries in the state of Lower Saxony and the requirements of infection control for users and staff restrict operations and require a mindful reorganization of operations. Auswärtiges Amt As always in these changing times, plans may need to be adapted to new regulations or developments. Die SUB Göttingen ist mit rund 9 Mio. When playing this video, data will be transferred to Youtube. The faculties are responsible for the organisation and notification. At the same time, we are aware that digital teaching, learning and testing is not equally accessible to all participants for a variety of reasons, and we will try to take into account the different needs and any obstacles in all further planning. This allows you to check for yourself whether the items you have ordered are ready for collection. You can find the data protection policy of the University of Göttingen at Digitale Einreiseanmeldung. In the unlikely event that the English and German versions allow different interpretations, the German version will be followed.) The State and University Library Göttingen (SUB Göttingen) has already successfully implemented significant steps to support study, teaching and research even in this time of crisis. The new regulations from the State of Lower Saxony of 17 April 2020 implicitly allow a further gradual opening and a letter from the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony to the libraries explicitly refers to the possibility of opening the libraries. Sie bleibt für zunächst 30 Tage gültig. Claudia Neitzel. Many digital services have been maintained and expanded even after our locations were closed to the public and work has continued from home offices. As soon as the regulations for the operation of libraries on state and local level are further relaxed and health and safety concerns permit it, SUB will be happy to expand the range of services again and, in preparation for this, will also seek talks with students and their representitives. If you have any questions, please contact us by email at Emergency lending: In a first stage of expansion for teachers and staff, emergency lending has already been introduced. Care, Career, Corona. Our students are trained in the latest developments in current research. May 22, 2020 Bringing Back The Pack. Of course you are also welcome to get in touch directly with the contacts that you already know. Die SUB Göttingen ist mit rund 9 Mio. This 4-star hotel in the the university town of Göttingen features a swimming pool, new spa area and free parking., In an emergency on campus please contact our Störmeldezentrale The experts at SUB are also happy to provide advice on questions concerning the procurement and licensing of media. You can explain difficult facts well and are interested in tutoring? On this page we provide you with the information sent by e-mail to all students. The Presidential Board would like to thank the faculties, the administration, the lecturers and last but not least the student representatives. via Stud.IP as well as orders essential for exams and theses will be prioritized over individual orders. June 01, 2020 President's Weekly Perspective - 06-01-2020. Umfrage zur Arbeitssituation von Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen an der Universität Göttingen unter Pandemiebedingungen / Survey on the work situation of Early Career Researchers at the University of Göttingen under pandemic conditions In order to provide students, teachers and researchers with access to the SUB's holdings, which are exclusively available in printed form, the SUB Göttingen will provide a scan-and-deliver service for essays and sections of books starting April 20th. Dear students, Yours Wie geht es weiter im Wintersemester? was Sie einhalten müssen um eine Abschlussarbeit mit Sperrvermerk an diesem Lehrstuhl schreiben zu können. - 31.01.2021 aus. Please check this page regularly, as the situation may change at short notice. Abschlussarbeiten. For the Central Library, the items will initially be handed out via mail room. Hier können entwicklungsauffällige, behinderte und von Behinderung bedrohte sowie extrem adipöse Patienten – vom Frühgeborenen bis zum jungen Erwachsenen – ambulant untersucht und behandelt werden. May 12, 2020 Memo to Faculty: Research Continuity. A-Z-Index der Uni-Corona-Informationen / A-Z index of coronavirus information. A $2 million gift from Doug and Ann Goschke, residents of Port St. Lucie, Florida, has set the stage to make outdoor artificial turf a reality for the UNI football program. Göttingen State and University Library (SUB) is significantly reorganizing its services to support students, teachers and researchers during the current pandemic. Telefon: 0551/39-5806 Fax: 0551/39-5861 Lieferengpass für Sulfadiazin. Dein Account bietet Dir die Möglichkeit, an verschiedene Standorten an der Uni oder sogar vom eigenen Rechner kostengünstig zu drucken. | home | sitemap | contact | coordination office © all rights reserved, last update June 2020 Sonja Meier ( as your primary contact will forward your questions and suggestions to the right places within the SUB if necessary. The opening of work spaces and learning areas on site will probably only be possible after measures have been put in place and must be planned closely within the existing legal framework for infection protection. June 01, 2020 President's Weekly Perspective - 06-01-2020. In addition to the huge appreciation for the great efforts of all participants, questions are being asked about the usage of external platforms, in particular Zoom. City Map . We also ask all teachers to be prepared to provide students with the most important information about their courses in StudIP. Büchern, Zeitschriften, Karten, Handschriften und digitalen Medien eine der größten Bibliotheken in Deutschland. This virtual platform was founded by students of the University of Bonn and connects students with pupils all over Germany for free learning support. To this end, we have drawn up a catalogue of measures which will become valid with this publication and replace the previously applicable rules (online at Please use this document to inform yourself about your options. To achieve this, the Land Niedersachsen (state that Göttingen is located in) has to provide more money to provide appropriate teaching. | home | sitemap | contact | coordination office © all rights reserved, last update June 2020 Für die Teilnahme an unseren Studien erhalten Sie i.d.R. Mobility. +49 (0)551 39-28 822 Patientenanmeldung. Im Liveticker der Stadtverwaltung Göttingen finden sich wichtige Informationen zum Coronavirus und zu empfohlenen Verhaltensweisen. We position ourselves for keeping smaller degree courses and variety of course choices for personal interests, and against the continued reduction of working space that can be found all across the University. Infotelefon für Stadt und Landkreis Göttingen Corona-Vakzine dürften dem Impfstoff-Chef der Universität Oxford zufolge wohl auch bei infektiöseren Virus-Mutationen vor schweren Erkrankungen schützen. Obergeschoss In unserer zweiten Talkrunde „Studium in Zeiten von Corona“ stehen Infos und Fragen rund um das kommende Semester auf dem Programm. Nevertheless, we will still have to make some improvements and improvise in the coming weeks, and it will require patience and mutual consideration to solve the problems amicably. Courses with a final status of CR do not affect Annette Triebel. Yours, Wir empfehlen das Follow-Me Printing! As soon as the item is ready for collection, it will be visible in your user account. Außerdem gilt es, eine digitale Einreiseanmeldung unter auszufüllen. The SUB Göttingen plans to implement this in three stages: Tel. Telefax: 0551-39-64894. Aktuelle Informationen zu Abschlussarbeiten während der Corona-Krise finden Sie hier. Robert-Koch-Institut The university's data protection officers have therefore asked to explain the restrictions and options for using Zoom once again. Courses with a final status of CR do not affect Up to five orders per day can be placed via our web form, which will then be accessible. One final request: The media have repeatedly reported about disruptions of Zoom meetings by external parties (ie, trolls). November 13, 2020 All University Message - 11-13-2020. Norbert Lossau (Vice President for Digital Transformation and Infrastructure) The scans will then be sent to your e-mail address as soon as possible, depending on the workload. Studierende können sich Engagement anrechnen lassen : Credit Points für Corona-Hilfe. Stage 2: Opening the Learning and Study Building (LSG): a way to regulate prioritisation of the workload is currently being coordinated with student representatives (expected opening with the prioritisation mentioned above: mid-May) Die HAWK bietet an den drei Standorten Hildesheim, Holzminden, Göttingen insgesamt 43 Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge. In the SUB Central Library alone, we get up to 6,000 visits per day and over two million per year, making the SUB one of the most frequently visited institutions in Göttingen. Germany Coronavirus in Germany: Göttingen residents feeling like prisoners. Reisende sind zudem … Printed materials have been made accessible via the new "Scan & Deliver service" and an emergency lending service was introduced as a pilot project for lecturers. without attendance. For example, we are currently examining under what conditions we can make centralized and decentralized learning and work spaces available again. Kontaktieren Sie alte Bekannte aus der Studienzeit und engagieren Sie sich im Netzwerk! Due to the rules of hygiene and conduct regulations of the University of Göttingen in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, which are laid down in the Corona guidelines, the capacities of our event rooms as well as other rooms and event areas have been significantly reduced. Außerdem gilt es, eine digitale Einreiseanmeldung unter auszufüllen. Recreation & sports. They will be informed of the new situation in an e-mail of their own. Büchern, Zeitschriften, Karten, Handschriften und digitalen Medien eine der größten Bibliotheken in Deutschland. It is a 10-minute walk from the town hall and historic center and a 20-minute walk from Göttingen Main Train Station. May 26, 2020 President's Weekly Perspective - 05-26-2020. An der traditionsreichen Georg-August-Universität Göttingen gibt es heute über 40 verschiedene Studentenverbindungen, die den unterschiedlichsten Korporationsverbänden angehören. Den "Antrag auf Zulassung zur Bachelor-/Masterarbeit" erhalten Sie nur im Prüfungsamt. With only 30 € you enable one of around 30,000 students to take part in the course in person. Jede Person, die sich innerhalb von zehn Tagen vor ihrer Einreise nach Göttingen (Stadt oder Landkreis) in einem Risikogebiet aufgehalten hat, ist verpflichtet, sich unverzüglich zehn Tage in häusliche Quarantäne zu begeben. To ensure that this remains the case in the future, the University of Göttingen, including the University Medical Center, and eight non-university local research centres have joined forces to form the Göttingen Campus. Then off to the Corona School. The health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff remain the University of West Georgia’s top priority. The University of Delaware is a diverse institution of higher learning, fostering excellence in research. You can explain difficult facts well and are interested in tutoring? UD has eight colleges, providing outstanding undergraduate, graduate and professional education, serving the local, regional, national and international communities. With the Goschkes’ generous investment, funding will be in place to ensure there is a safe and quality surface and amenities for years to come. 13. Bitte holen Sie sich zu dem vereinbarten Starttermin, zwischen Ihnen und Ihrem Betreuer, den Themenzettel im Prüfungsamt ab. We kindly ask all students to register – if they have not already done so – via the usual registration systems (usually StudIP, ZESS courses via FlexNow etc.) Telefon: 0551-39-64890. An der traditionsreichen Georg-August-Universität Göttingen gibt es heute über 40 verschiedene Studentenverbindungen, die den unterschiedlichsten Korporationsverbänden angehören. Stage 3: Opening the Central Library and Divisional Libraries for working on-site ("Reading Rooms", time of opening cannot be determined at the moment) Aktuelle Informationen zu Abschlussarbeiten während der Corona-Krise finden Sie hier. 2. Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3 Dear teachers and students, Live talk about the digital semester (in German), UniNews - weekly news for students and staff, 30.04.2020: Information on the Use of External Web Conference Systems, 27.04.2020: Step-by-step Opening of the SUB, 17.04.2020: Message from the University Library, 08.04.2020: Coronavirus: Resumption of teaching and examination activities for the summer semester 2020, 20.03.2020: Crisis management, Göttingen Campus & responsibility, 15.03.2020: Message from the Presidential Board: Coronavirus: Update – Social Distancing, 13:03.2020: Message from the Presidential Board: Coronavirus: suspension of teaching, 06.03.2020: Message from the Presidential Board: Coronavirus – Information website / Travel / Public events,,, Economics and Social Sciences Divisional Library,,,,,, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Auswirkungen der Coronavirus-Pandemie auf Arbeit der DFG, Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung, Directories of courses and people (UniVZ). Studieren in Göttingen Informationen rund um das Studium am Institut (Bachelor- / Master- / Promotionsstudium, Weiterbildender Studiengang für Psychologische Psychotherapie) Versuchspersonen gesucht! Tourism . However, examinations in attendance can only be held if they correspond to the catalogue of measures available online (see above). Due to the rules of hygiene and conduct regulations of the University of Göttingen in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, which are laid down in the Corona guidelines, the capacities of our event rooms as well as other rooms and event areas have been significantly reduced. November 13, 2020 All University Message - 11-13-2020. Sollte dies nicht funktionieren, ändern Sie bitte Ihr Passwort unter: Sollten Sie Ihre UMG-Zugangsdaten nicht (mehr) kennen, wenden Sie sich bitte an das IT-Service-Center der UMG per E-Mail an oder … The University of Tübingen is pushing back the boundaries of knowledge. Please place a maximum of 5 orders per person per day and send your order requests via e-mail directly to the library whose holdings you wish to order. Oeconomicum, 1. The University is in close contact with the City and the University Medical Center Göttingen. There must be at least 14 days between announcement and the performance of an examination or course work. An die Studierenden erfolgt keine automatische Benachrichtigung seitens des Prüfungsamtes, über den Eingang des Themenzettels (Antrag auf Zulassung zur Bachelor-/Masterarbeit). Leider hat auch uns die Corona-Krise weiterhin fest im Griff: Bis au... f wichtige Prüfungen und einige Termine zur Bildungsberatung fällt unser komplettes Präsenzkursprogramm vom 10.01. Please send your questions, For questions regarding the Campus Covid Screen, please contact Dear Students, Due to structural and organisational differences, there are different solutions for handing over items, depending on the location. Alumni Göttingen verbindet mehr als 30.000 Ehemalige und Absolventen/innen mit allen, die heute an der Universität Göttingen studieren, forschen und arbeiten. This is in line with the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, which last week called for a uniform start of the semester throughout Germany. Information & FAQ A-Z for students, Information from the Faculties, Departments & Centres, Learn more about fundraising for Campus-Covid-Screen. . Sekretariat: Angela Aurin-Gerke . You will then be informed in the coming week whether and how the respective courses will take place. A lot is still unclear at the moment. 13 EU-DSGVO. Our Service Monitor provides an up-to-date overview. Kreuzbergring 57 D-37075 Göttingen. Services that require the handling of printed materials and the use of the buildings (by staff) are re-organized in stages: We wanted to inform everyone with this email so that each and every lecturer would not have to do so individually. Bei Fragen zum Campus-Covid-Screen wenden Sie sich bitte an: M2.2 Stundenplan WS 2018 2019 Best regards, 1737 im Zeitalter der Aufklärung gegründet fühlt sie sich den Werten der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung von Wissenschaft, Demokratie, Toleranz … May 12, 2020 Memo to Faculty: Research Continuity. In the unlikely event that the English and German versions allow different interpretations, the German version will be followed.) Studierende, die sich bei Corona-Hilfen engagieren, können … Webseiten der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. The document corresponds to the current status of protection against CoV-2 infections. May 04, 2020 President's Weekly Perspective - 05-04-2020 For questions, we can be reached on Facebook (, on Twitter @uniGoettingen und on Instagram ( Accomodation . May 26, 2020 President's Weekly Perspective - 05-26-2020. Liebe internationale Studierende, die Staaten der Europäischen Union haben sich vor dem Hintergrund der Corona-Pandemie auf eine Einreisesperre verständigt, die bereits in Kraft getreten ist. . Die Studienberatung ist Ihre Anlaufstelle für allgemeine Fragen zur Studienwahl oder hilft Ihnen bei der Suche nach der richtigen Ansprechperson zur Bewerbung.. Hier finden Sie die HAWK-Semesterzeiten. Degree students in the Faculty of Arts & Science may select up to 2.0 credits* of their degree credits offered by the Faculty of Arts & Science (St. George), the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, UTM** or UTSC** to be assessed on a Credit/ No Credit (CR/NCR) basis. Some dates cannot be specified further at present, since protection against infection must be guaranteed for users and employees of the SUB at all stages. Grenzwerte ("7-Tage-Inzidenz pro 100.000 Einwohner*innen") ... Strategie bei Corona-Fällen in Kitas und Schulen If you have specific questions or problems, the familiar contact points ( will be happy to help you. Since it is not possible to rule out the chance of large groups of people meeting inside or outside the Central Library, the preparation of this stage involves a great deal of effort. Studierende können sich Engagement anrechnen lassen : Credit Points für Corona-Hilfe. Professor Andrea D. Bührmann, Vice President for Studies & Teaching, Equality & Diversity, Coronavirus-Information of the University, Information & FAQ A-Z Migration & Integration. Valérie Schüller (Vice President for Finance and Human Resources). Aktuelle Informationen zu Abschlussarbeiten während der Corona-Krise finden Sie hier. Note that the link is provided to avoid burdening the email system. Sperrvermerk: Bitte besprechen Sie vor Beginn der Bearbeitung mit Ihrem Betreuer, wie der Ablauf ist bzw. For now, the Divisional Libraries make their own appointments for pick up Das Sozialpädiatrische Zentrum (SPZ) Göttingen befindet sich in der Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen. Take good care of yourself and others! We wish you all a successful semester. NHS Common Questions about Coronavirus May 22, 2020 Bringing Back The Pack. Juli 2020: Live-Talk Studium in Zeiten von Corona – das Wintersemester / Live talk: studying in the times of Corona – the winter semester. Service for Digital Learning and Teaching, (English translation has been provided for informational purposes. We therefore ask you not to pass on the access information to third parties or make them publicly available. Bitte lassen Sie uns die elektronische Version der Abschlussarbeit ausschließlich über den Upload in FlexNow zukommen. This virtual platform was founded by students of the University of Bonn and connects students with pupils all over Germany for free learning support. As the SUB has made great strides in digitisation, many services are already available and are continuously being expanded. A cluster infection in a housing complex has left a central German city facing strict lockdown. Professor Reinhard Jahn, President Damit Sie aber nicht ganz auf uns verzichten müssen, haben wir Ihnen ein tolles Angebot an Online-Kursen zusammengestellt und freuen uns, Sie online begrüßen zu können! Studierende, die sich bei Corona-Hilfen engagieren, können sich das an einigen Unis anrechnen lassen. Bei einem Notfall auf dem Universitätscampus wenden Sie sich bitte wie gewohnt an die Störmeldezentrale T 0551 39-1171. Universitätsmedizin Göttingen. The handbook is available at Die Universität Göttingen ist eine international bedeutende Forschungsuniversität mit langer Tradition. The respective e-mail addresses are as follows: Please also note that the e-mail must contain the complete title data, the call number of the work you are requesting and your SUB user account number. for the courses they wish to attend in the summer semester 2020. The Service for Digital Learning and Teaching, together with the data protection officers of the University of Göttingen, has prepared a handbook for the use of Zoom, which answers many questions on this subject. Für UMG-Mitarbeitende: Bitte melden Sie sich mit Ihrem UMG-Benutzernamen und Ihrem persönlichen Kennwort an. To 1) Scan-and-Deliver Service The collection times also differ between locations: For the Central Library, it is possible to pick up media daily between 11 a.m. and noon. This is especially true for the working group who prepared the start of the semester. T +49 551 39-1171, Teaching and Learning Complaint Management, World Health Organization (WHO) Degree students in the Faculty of Arts & Science may select up to 2.0 credits* of their degree credits offered by the Faculty of Arts & Science (St. George), the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, UTM** or UTSC** to be assessed on a Credit/ No Credit (CR/NCR) basis. We are starting to receive the first reports about everyone’s experiences. 1. Please note that there are deviating regulations in the Staatsexamen study programmes, which have been communicated accordingly by the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine. The Divisional Libraries will make their items available on site. May 11, 2020 President's Weekly Perspective - 05-11-2020. Unfortunately, incomplete orders cannot be processed. (English translation has been provided for informational purposes. These measures are currently being prepared. May 11, 2020 President's Weekly Perspective - 05-11-2020. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät This means that the items must be picked up where they were ordered. The Presidential Board of the University of Göttingen has decided to start teaching and examination activities in the summer semester on Monday, 20 April 2020, initially mainly in digital form – i.e. To 2) Emergency lending for lecturers and staff of the University of Göttingen Further information can be found on the website of Göttingen State and University Library. 37073 Göttingen See below for list of exceptions. Studentenverbindungen. Stage 1: Starting emergency lending for students. Den "Antrag auf Zulassung zur Bachelor-/Masterarbeit" erhalten Sie nur im Prüfungsamt. It has been coordinated with the University Medical Center Göttingen and will be updated as required. Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19) - WHO, Auswirkungen der Coronavirus-Pandemie auf Arbeit der DFG In the unlikely event that the English and German versions allow different interpretations, the German version will be followed.) Orders used for teaching, e.g. May 04, 2020 President's Weekly Perspective - 05 … With the start of teaching on April 20, we will also resume examination activities. Göttingen in one minute. Für Studierende, die Credits im Mai 2020 hätten nachweisen müssen, verschiebt sich die Frist bis zum 02.12.2020, Für Studierende, bei denen die reguläre Frist am 02.12.2020 abliefe, müssen die nachzuweisenden Credits erst am 12.05.2021 in FlexNow verbucht sein. Fragen und Antworten zur Impfung. Department of Health. This can be implemented by re-opening the public entrance area of the central library as well as the corresponding areas in the respective divisional libraries, while ensuring to meet the requirements for hygiene and social distancing. See below for list of exceptions. We would like to inform our colleagues in the institute and seminar libraries that we would be pleased to advise you on all questions concerning the organisation of access to your libraries under the current conditions. Center for Disease Control and Prevention Reinhard Jahn (President) Druckguthaben kannst du jederzeit mit Hilfe deiner Chipkarte am studIT-Support in der Chipkartenstelle oder auch in den Bibliotheken der SUB aufladen.. At the same time, we are preparing for a reduced presence in teaching, research and administration. On our website, we will inform you about changes in our services. Please be patient for a little while longer and continue to obtain regular information via our central Corona info pages for students ( and our social media channels, where we post current information promptly. Digitale Einreiseanmeldung. Then off to the Corona School. We have also created a page with frequently asked questions by students. The delivery of the item may vary depending on the location and may take up to three days.

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