Because, they are really moving fish. As per IFGA standards a Gold guppy must have at least 25% of the body showing the color of real gold metal on the body. Thank you for you're help. We try to make sure it is clear which Endlers are pure, which ones are hybrids and which fish are Guppies. Endler hybrids are here to stay however we feel hobbyists should be responsible and make sure it is clear to those who receive them know that they are hybrids. C'est une espèce au tempérament plutôt calme . As with the Neons, Endlers are fast enough to stay out of the way of the Betts and would likely do fine however the additional activity in the tank may stress the Betta. Thank you for your comments and I would like to order 2 of each as I have no desire or time to breed them. The Endler fish can mate with the guppies’ species, i.e. Les guppys sont des animaux de compagnie populaires et constituent des ajouts attrayants dans un aquarium décoratif. I would love to have these in my 10 gallon tank. $15.87 shipping. 2eme différence: Adding small quantities of salt to your tank is a good idea for Endlers. To do this we use images of the original strain as a pattern for our selective breeding process and do our best to bring out those traits that we like best from those photos. Endlers are absolutely ideal nano/community fish, and the Yellow Tiger is one of the rarest and most spectacular! Staeck Endlers are thought to by natural Guppy/Endler hybrids. En gros, en compagnie de mâle, la femelle Guppy est toujours en attente d'alevins. As far as the number of fish goes you should be fine with 6 males as long as the tank is well cycled and has a good filtration system. Die Schwangerschaft eines Guppys feststellen. I want to know your comment for my endlers. I cant be sure because I can't enlarge the picture like usual, to see if there is a gonopodium. I don’t believe any of them are pure wingei with the possible exception of the Staeck Endlers. Ils vivent à l’état sauvage au Brésil, en Guyane et au Trinidad-Tobago. Required fields are marked *. The question came to mind, because the majority of Endler females I have are so plain in their appearance, it made me wonder how pure strains could be obtained from the wild, unless there is no overlapping of territories. Male & Female Quick View. Another way that Endlers can become hybridized if you keep more than one strain (Endler/Endler hybrid) or if you keep other livebearers is from fry jumping out of a net undetected. Our Story Contact. you can tell the difference by looking the fin on there *****,, sorry I forgot what do they call that,, female fin there GUPPIES/ENDLERS. 6360: 1,5 - 2 cm: € 3,25 Poecilia endler tiger Endler Guppy tiger. NOTE: Some links may lead to one of our articles that are posted on another website. These fish are native to the Laguna de Patos in northern Venezuela. I couldn’t take a foto of them. Les guppys sont de magnifiques poissons. 1er différence : Le guppy tel qu’on le trouve dans les animalerie a été créé par l’homme, le guppy endler est sauvage. with just female tiger endlers. The difference in size between a male and female Guppy is very apparent early on. We’ve often heard that you can breed a pure male Endler from one strain with a pure female Endler from another strain and you would get a pure strain Endler that is just like the original male. Guppy tiger femelle Poecilia reticulata Guppy tiger mâle Poecilia reticulata Guppy endler "red rainbow" Poecilia sp. Le mâle doit s'accoupler avec la femelle seulement une fois pour que celle‐ci puisse produire plusieurs co ; Définition gonopode: Un gonopode est un organe copulateur issu d'une modification de la nageoire anale chez certains poissons pratiquant la fécondation interne. Males & Females Quick View. 80 litres. Of course if you were to keep only males there would be no possibility of them mixing. It is our belief that pure N Class Endlers will become increasingly difficult to obtain in years to come. Thank you for sharing. Hi I have 4 male (I think) endlers in my 10 gal I'm starting to think one is a girl can u tell? guppys variés Poecilia reticulata Limia perugiae Xipho porte épée koï koaku Xiphophorus helleri xiphophorus helleri Xipho porte épée variés Xiphophorus maculatus platys variés Platy perroquet Xiphophorus variatus. Yellow Tiger was originally created accidentally from a cross between Endlers and guppies. The Confusion Between Pure Endlers, Hybrid Endlers and Guppies We don’t believe this to be 100% true. Description de Poecilia wingei (Endler):. Even if the resulting offspring look like the original male there has been other genetics that have been introduced into the bloodline making them different than the original males. Nov 16, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Caio Fern. Son nom est donné en hommage à un botaniste et explorateur britannique nommé Robert John Lechmere Guppy. Petit poisson d'eau douce de 2 à 4cm adulte. Référence : FQGUENTI4. Male Endlers and male wild Guppies look very much alike to the untrained eye. Female mate choice appears to favor the evolution of conspicuous color patterns in male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) from Trinidad, but color patterns vary strikingly among populations. Le guppy endler est un poisson vivant en petit groupes qui réside naturellement proche de la surface.C'est une espèce au tempérament plutôt calme.. De manière générale, c'est un poisson indépendant qui ne se préoccupe guère des autres espèces.. Ce poisson est polygâme, le mâle est entouré de plusieurs femelles. How can you tell the difference between a male and female angel fish? I would like to keep pure Endlers as I am planning on getting a bigger tank and how many females would be okay 1 or 2? En sachant qu'elle met en moyenne 28 jours pour mettre bas, les accouchements s’enchaînent très (trop) vite. Guppies tend to be much stockier. While Endlers and wild Guppies appear to be very similar at first glace there are some definite differences. Son nom est donné en hommage à un botaniste et explorateur britannique nommé Robert John Lechmere Guppy. We also work to try to make sure the colors are as bright as possible and try to make the patterns as well defined as we can. Du kannst männliche und weibliche Guppys ganz leicht erkennen, wenn sie mindestens eine Woche alt sind. Voici huit différences que j’ai trouvé pour distinguer les deux espèces. For example pure female El Tigre Endlers normally have a black dorsal fin. The females are usually monochromatic. The male’s fins are more visible. Long swordtails are often the sign of hybridization however the swordtail on the pure Endlers is much thinner. We usually recommend 3 trios. Well—I'm pretty sure that the first one, at least, is a female, and that she's pregnant (more photos would help, but that's my guess). La femelle ne joue aucun rôle dans les soins parentaux, le mâle ancistrus prend soin de ses jeunes. Endlers Livebearer. Guppy endler femelle guppy endler • Poecilia wingei • Fiche poisson . Male Endlers tend to do much more courting towards the females than do male Guppies which tend to be more aggressive towards females. From time to time these genes reattach themselves to the male chromosomes rather than the females. Le souci c'est qu'une dernière étude scientifique semble montrer non seulement que la femelle guppy garde la semence du mâle au moins 10 jours après sa mort , mais en plus le mâle guppy aurait une espérance de vie de 5/6 mois , contre 2/3 ans pour la femelle Est-ce valable aussi pour le guppy endler ? To breed these fish all you need to do is put male and female fish in a tank together. Males can grow up to 1-1/8 inches (3 cm), females can grow up to 2-1/8 inches (6 cm) when they’re fully grown. Endler strains are in general a product of human influence. This extra long swordtail usually takes several months before it can be seen that it is different than the other males. It is quite rare to find these guppies in pet stores. Recent DNA and genetic testing has shown that Endlers (Poecilia wingei) have been reproductively separated from Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) for 500,000 to 5 million years. you read and agreed to the, How to tell if your goldfish is male or female, How to tell if an angelfish is male or female. Previous studies have reported that directional female preferences for aspects of male coloration vary among populations (Houde 1987; Endler and Houde 1995), and such differences might extend to negative frequency-dependent preference. Les guppies sont originaires d’Amérique du Sud. It is our belief that Endler hybrids are inevitable and creating and keeping hybrids should be done responsibly. Endlers Livebearers: Endangered or Extinct? The Mysteries Surrounding the Endler Classification System (ECS), Philippe Voisin’s Tremendous Contributions to the Endler Community, Campoma & Cumana Region Endlers Discovered Since 2007. Our answer is no. Because these genes were only carried by the females and the females never show any colors or patterns the results of these genes remained hidden. One of the easiest ways is to get hybrids unknowingly in the first place. You may go to any sold out listing and click on the “email me when available” button to sign up to be notified the instant we are able to put something back in stock. De couleur grise à l’état sauvage, les croisements et manipulations de l’homme lui ont donné une esthétique plus colorée au fil des années. The primary purpose of our website is to share information to help others enjoy the hobby as much as we do. Once again, just because a fish is called an Endler doesn’t mean it’s not a hybrid. 6415: 1 - 2 cm: € 3,55 Poecilia endler SUPERCOLOR Endlers Guppy. Male guppies usually have very slender, long bodies, while female guppies are usually a lot rounder and bigger than the males, sometimes twice as big as a male guppy. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Some Differences between Endlers and Guppies. FINS. Fond. GH. 16.02.2016 - Ein Forum für alle Freunde von Guppy, Schwertträger, Molly, Platy, garnelen,moose in und um Berlin,Interessengemeinschaft Poeciliidae Deutschland (IGPD) $15.95 shipping. Volume d'eau min. Peaceful small. Breeding Endler’s Livebearer Fish. Guppy Endler femelle. The internal propagation is achieved owing to gonopodium. you can tell the difference by looking the fin on there *****,, sorry I forgot what do they call that,, Are Endler females genetically strain specific, or are they “neutral,” and dependant on the male’s DNA to produce the coloration in the offspring? Yellow Endler Guppy. Fins are those part of fish which assist it in swimming and also gear its … and look much like a plain looking female guppy. You may go to any sold out listing and click on the “email me when available” button to sign up to be notified the instant we are able to put something back in stock. While the Endlers may look very similar to the ones captured in Venezuela they can never be exactly the same. Like hybrids between Swordtails and Platys, whether or not a hybrid is called an Endler or a Guppy usually depends on what it most looks like. Of course whatever females were used to help create the strain would have had some influence on the overall genetic makeup of the resulting strain even if it could not be seen visually. Informations. We sometimes get emails from people asking if we can supply them Endlers that are exactly like the ones in the wild. Guppies are alot bigger. Guppy endler: Les guppy endler sont plus petits que les guppy classiques, ils peuvent vivre dans 60L minmum, mais 100L est mieux. Comment déterminer si une femelle guppy est enceinte. Mâles et femelles se ressemblent à une différence près : le mâle possède une tâche rouge sur la nuque tandis que la calotte de la femelle est entièrement noire. White dorsal fins are thought to be a sign that they are a hybrid however that’s not necessarily true as some strains like the Lime Green Endler have a white or very light blue dorsal fin. They are part of the genus Poecilia as are guppies. This “sword” is usually just a coloration on the caudal fin (tail fin) rather than a true sword. Guppys sind beliebte Haustiere und eine attraktive Ergänzung für ein Aquarium. Micropoecilia picta. The Endlers Livebearer is a really nice looking livebearer that the true wild strain is almost extinct, if not already is. We want our Endlers to look as close as possible but better than the original strains they were developed from. This is well thought out to weak the genetic pool and thus prohibited by many fish hobbyists who desire to manage unadulterated strains. Males have a modified anal fin, called a gonopodium. We do however post website updates and links for those rare occasions when we offer fish to the hobby on our Facebook Page. 6412: 1 - 2 cm: € 3,55 Poecilia endler red. Endlers are characterized by their small sizes. You may also want to make sure that there is documentation showing that the Endlers are the progeny of Endlers that came directly from Venezuela. Apr 2, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by stephen plenty. (a female guppy, a pregnant femal... How do you tell the difference between a male and female ghost shrimp? Because the endlers are smaller in size you can get away with having more in a small tank. This is mainly a picture guide with a few videos and some descriptions. Un mâle mesure 3 à 4 cm, alors qu’une femelle … The male Endlers are smaller than females, about an inch in size and their colors are very intense; ranging from the black, orange, blue, yellow, red, and metallic green. These guppy species thrive in warm water. In fact, I would not label her an Endler at all. Black Guppy. Le Poecilia wingei est un très petit poisson tropical d'eau douce, vif et coloré. Females are able to breed when they are only two months old. We also make sure our pure Endlers and our hybrids are kept in different locations. Once and a while genes break away from the chromosomes during the reproductive cycle. Question! Yes, I'd say that is gravid female, but she's a guppy (maybe a cobra?) If your female guppy is pregnant, her body may look boxy or stuffed and even lumpy. No gonopodium? Sexual selection may explain why secondary sexual traits of males are so strongly developed in some species that they seem maladaptive. We feel offering hybrid Endlers not only gives our customers a better selection but also helps introduce new hobbyists into the exciting world of Endlers and Endler hybrids. We do not recommend adding female Endlers to the tank as they will quickly multiply and become too many fish for your tank. Similar to wild Guppies, Endlers are very active and tend to use every portion of the tank. There are several new guppy strains being developed today many of which are actually Endler/Guppy hybrids. Le mâle est plus petit et plus coloré que la femelle. Le mâle étant très actif au niveau sexuel, optez donc pour le ratio suivant : 3 femelles pour 1 mâle. The scientific name is Poecilia wingei. Is it wrong to mix them? guppys endler variés Poecilia sp.